Angelbird CFexpress Type A, VPG400, 8K+ RAW, R1800/W1650 (Type A | 4.0) 512GB
Next up – the long-awaited next generation of AV PRO CFexpress A cards are here! With a new VPG 400 certification and the latest CFexpress 4.0 technology, expect greater efficiency and smooth professional production with demanding Sony workflows.
CFexpress 4.0 Type A Next up – the long-awaited next generation of AV PRO CFexpress A cards are here! With a new VPG 400 certification and the latest CFexpress 4.0 technology, expect greater efficiency and smooth professional production with demanding Sony workflows. These new cards are available in 256 GB, 512 GB, and 1 TB capacities. Ultra high-speed media for Sony cameras with up to 8K+ RAW cinemagrade video and extended burstphotography Stable Stream consistent read and write performance throughout the recording Rock-solid build advanced Thermal Management protects card from overheating Minimal power draw to keep camera battery alive as long as possible Host Power Loss Protection In-house Data Recovery Service1 on hard and software level GENERAL INFORMATION Type CFexpress™ Type A / MK2 Capacities: 256 GB, 512 GB, 1 TB TECHNICAL Interface CFexpress™ 4.0 Type A, PCIe 4.0 x1 Features Temperature sensor, TRIM2, ECC, EMS protection, SMART2, power management PERFORMANCE3 Maximum speeds Read: 1800 MB/s | Write: 1650 MB/s Sustained speeds Read: 1700 MB/s | Write: 800 MB/s RELIABILITY Certifications: CE, RoHS, FCC, UKCA, RCM, REACH, KC PACKAGE CONTENT AV PRO CFexpress A 1 Data recovery service exclusively providedby Angelbird in Austria.2 TRIM and SMART support depending on theOS used.3 Speeds based on internal testing. Actualtransfer rates and capacity may varydepending on system hardware and otherfactors. 4K, 6K, 8K, 12K, and Full HD supportmay vary depending on host device, fileattributes, and other factors.4 Visit to activateyour 3-year limited warranty within 30 daysof purchase.2024 Angelbird Technologies GmbHAngelbird is a registered trademark of AngelbirdTechnologies. All rights reserved.Other product names used herein are foridentification purposes only and may betrademarks of their respective owners. Angelbirddisclaims any and all rights in those marks.Specifications are subject to change withoutnotice. Specifications are provided “as is” withoutwarranty of any kind.
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