Oxygen Boost cleaning agent for the Bissell Spot Clean portable textile washer.
- Deep cleans even the most stubborn stains, such as red wine, lemonade or grease, permanently from numerous different materials, together with the Bissell Spot Clean textile washer
- Can also be poured directly onto the stain or used to pre-treat laundry
- Not suitable for the following materials: velvet, chenille, silk, dralon or leather
- Volume 1L
- Weight 1.1 kg
- Dimensions: 12 x 7 x 23.8 cm
- Ingredients: more than 30% water, less than 5% hydrogen peroxide
- Does not contain corrosive substances, bleaches or phosphates
List of hazard statements, additional hazard information and additional markings
• Hazard statements related to physical hazards, Caution word "danger"
• H222 Extremely flammable aerosol
• H229 Pressurized container: May burst when heated
• General safety clauses
• P101 If medical attention is needed, show container or warning label
• P102 Keep out of reach of children
• Preemptive security clauses
• P210 Protect from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other sources of ignition. No smoking
• P211 Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source
• P251 Do not puncture or burn, even when empty
• Safety phrases - storage
• P410+P412 Protect from sunlight. Do not expose to temperatures above 50°C
Lista med faroangivelser, komplimentarde faroinformation och komplimentarde märkning
• Faroangivelser för physikaliska faror, Note word "fara"
• H222 Extremely flammable aerosol
• H229 Tryckbemsenter: Kan sprängas vid heating
• Skyddsangivelser - Allmänt
• P101 Have packaging or labels until hands om du muss sekka läkarvård
• P102 Förvaras oåtkomligt för barn
• Skyddsangivellinger – Førebyggande
• P210 Får inte utsättas för värme, Heta ytor, gnistor, öopen låga eller other antändningskøller. Rökning ombihten
• P211 Do not spray over open flame or other sources of inhalation
• P251 Får inte punkteras eller brännas, galer även emptomd konzerner
• Skyddsangivelser – Förvaring
• P410+P412 Avoid sunlight. Do not expose to temperatures over 50 °C