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Interior Jamb Extensions

Smyygilistat – Complete installations easily

Smygilistas are a convenient way to finish window and door installations in locations where the wall surface is deeper than the window or door frame. With Smygil strips, you get a neat end result and at the same time protect structures from moisture and dirt.

Wide range of smyth lists for different needs

In Kärkkäinen's online store you will find a wide selection of smyth lists for different needs. Our selection includes both plastic and wooden smygs that are suitable for different types of installations. You can choose the width, height, and color of the molding according to your project.

You can also use smyg moldings to hide, for example, ventilation pipes or electrical wiring, so that the end result looks neater and more professional.

Easily install smygilistas yourself

Installing smoulders is easy and does not require special skills. All you need are moldings of the right size, screws, as well as a drill. Installation instructions can be found in the instruction booklet supplied with the product or on the website of our online store.

If you need help with installation, you can always contact our customer service. We are happy to help you with any questions regarding the installation of smog moldings.

Place an order conveniently from our online store

Check out our wide selection of smyygilista in our online store and place your order conveniently from your couch. We deliver products quickly and reliably directly to your doorstep.

Get your smygilistas from Kärkkäinen's online store now and finish the installation easily!

Smyygilistat – Complete installations easily

Smygilistas are a convenient way to finish window and door installations in locations where the wall surface is deeper than the window or door frame. With Smygil strips, you get a neat end result and at the same time protect structures from moisture and dirt.

Wide range of smyth lists for different needs

In Kärkkäinen's online store you will find a wide selection of smyth lists for different needs. Our selection includes both plastic and wooden smygs that are suitable for different types of installations. You can choose the width, height, and color of the molding according to your project.

You can also use smyg moldings to hide, for example, ventilation pipes or electrical wiring, so that the end result looks neater and more professional.

Easily install smygilistas yourself

Installing smoulders is easy and does not require special skills. All you need are moldings of the right size, screws, as well as a drill. Installation instructions can be found in the instruction booklet supplied with the product or on the website of our online store.

If you need help with installation, you can always contact our customer service. We are happy to help you with any questions regarding the installation of smog moldings.

Place an order conveniently from our online store

Check out our wide selection of smyygilista in our online store and place your order conveniently from your couch. We deliver products quickly and reliably directly to your doorstep.

Get your smygilistas from Kärkkäinen's online store now and finish the installation easily!
Products: ( 1 - 10 of 10 )
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  • Price of the product when purchased separately: 25,90
  • Price of the product when purchased separately: 10,90
  • Price of the product when purchased separately: 15,90
  • Price of the product when purchased separately: 31,90
  • Price of the product when purchased separately: 20,90
  • Price of the product when purchased separately: 17,20
  • Price of the product when purchased separately: 18,99
  • Price of the product when purchased separately: 15,90
  • Price of the product when purchased separately: 10,90
  • Price of the product when purchased separately: 9,99