The package contains 10 pieces of ready-made bottom hook jigs, to which the hooks are already tied. The hook has barbs that help the bait stay in place better. There is a loop at the other end of the wig, from which it is easy to thread it onto the clipper's loop. Sometimes the fish swallows the hook deeply and it takes a lot of time to remove it, so you should tie a new hook to the weight and throw the bait to catch, so that the school of fish does not run away. After that, while waiting for the next fish, you can remove the previous hook from the catch. In addition to the jig, bottom fishing requires a sliding bottom hook weight, a cutter and a snare set. Bottom angling is one of the most effective forms of fishing for perch, whiting, rainbow trout and other fish.
0.25 mm thick lure is commonly used for fishing for whitefish and perch. 70cm long.
A 0.30mm thick jig is commonly used for fishing rainbow trout and larger fish. 100cm long.