Bra Miljöval eco-labelled Nitor® Wood Cleaner is an effective cleaning agent for wooden surfaces that removes oil, dirt and growth and protects against new growth. Prepares the surface for Nitor Wood Protection treatment.
Bra Miljöval eco-labeled Nitor® Wood Cleaner is an effective cleaning agent for wood surfaces that removes oil, dirt and growth and protects against new growth.
Unique cleaning properties - based on silicon technology
Effectively removes even oil residues and growth
Keeps the surface clean of new growth
Prepares the surface for the Nitor® Wood Protection treatment
For all types of wood outdoors
Eco-labelled - does not harm aquatic organisms or plants
Coverage approx. 5-8m² / liter
Purpose of use In step 1 of the Nitor® Wood Care system, the wooden surface is cleaned and pre-impregnated with Bra Miljöval eco-labeled Nitor® Wood Cleaner. The grain of the wood opens up, so treatment stage 2, i.e. Nitor® Wood Protection, penetrates deeper into the wood and the treatment becomes more effective.
H315- Irritating to the skin, H319- Severely irritating to the eyes, H290- May be corrosive to metals, H314- Severely corrosive to the skin and damaging to the eyes.
H315- Irriterar huden.
Nitor® Wood Cleaner's silicon technology gives the product unique cleaning properties. It effectively dissolves oil residues, removes algae, fungi and mold and keeps the wood surface clean of new growth.
Use Wet the wooden surface with water before starting to clean. Brush off the loose material with a stiff brush. Rinse the surface and let it dry a little.
Apply Nitor® Wood Cleaner with a paint pad, roller or brush. We recommend a painting pad, which allows the application to go quickly and evenly. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Moisten the surface with water if it dries during this time.
Wet the surface and brush off the dirt with a hard brush or a pressure washer equipped with a terrace washing nozzle. Rinse the surface clean and let it dry before applying Nitor® Wood Protection.
For less dirty wood surfaces, Nitor® Wood Cleaner can be applied diluted half with water. Then 1 liter is enough for a wooden surface of about 10m². For very dirty, growth-covered, oiled and old untreated surfaces, 1 liter of Nitor® Wood Cleaner is enough for an area of about 5m², depending on the quality and age of the wood. If there is a lot of excess oil on the wood surface, you can clean it twice with undiluted Nitor® Wood Cleaner if necessary.
H315 Irritating to skin. H319 Severely irritating to eyes. H290 May be corrosive to metals. H314 Strongly corrosive to skin and eyes.