IronSilk is a new type of net cloth made of multifilament microfiber, which has succeeded in combining two properties: the softness and grip of a thin wire net and the durability of a thick wire net. IronSilk yarn consists of very thin (0.03) fibers assembled into a twisted multifilament yarn, resulting in a silk-like yarn with greater tensile strength than monofil or traditional yarns of similar thickness. Ironsilk multi-filament thread corresponds to the thickness of 0.15 – 0.17mm monofil thread in terms of performance, but IronSilk's breaking strength is 4 kg. In tests, the tensile strength has remained above 3.5 kg, despite long-term UV exposure and humidity. IronSilk multi-fiber thread is perfectly suited for all fishing situations where the net is required to be more durable than normal, without compromising fishability.