Aroma-rich and beautifully colored red wine. Buffalo, "Härän veri", red wine is prepared quickly, but the taste of the wine benefits from maturation. The package contains 22 l of finished red wine.
The finished wine packages contain all the ingredients needed for wine production, with the exception of sugar and water, along with detailed preparation instructions. Dried high-quality berry and fruit mixtures are assembled according to a carefully thought-out recipe.
Required amount of sugar: 4.5 - 5 kg
Sweetness recommendation: -5 - 0
Make wine 22 l
Necessary equipment (not included in the package): Fermentation vessel, strainer bag, cloth, disinfectant, liquid thermometer, specific gravity meter, caps, capping device and bottles.
List of ingredients:
Berry pack 511g: Dried elderberry, raisin, sea buckthorn berry, rowan berry, oak chips, Chinese rose flower, grape skin.