This is BEAST of a bag. If there is one bag to do it all this is it. Offering huge storage potential for feeder boxes, accessory bags, reel cases the list is endless. However, this bag can be split into 2 should you not require as much storage for specific venues making it the true all round storage option. Mesh side pockets offer even more storage for quick options such as keys and phones when loading your barrow or putting your wet weather gear on. Split main compartments mean you can arrange gear as required and be safe in the knowledge you'll know where everything is at all times. Reinforced carry handles and shoulder straps allow you to really overload this bag without the fear of it breaking and padding make it easy to carry distance if required. Reinforced base comes as standard and you just know this bag will last season after season.
Huge storage capabilities
Splits into 2 storage size options
Mesh side pockets
Split compartment dividers
Reinforced and padded shoulder and carry handles
Reinforced base
Easy pull SUPERTEAM branded zipper pullers
Hard wearing and durable PVC backed 840D material
Vendor material number:
Only available in the online store, not available in classic stores