- Forms a protective and water-resistant surface with UV protection.
- Prevents wire corrosion.
- Patented, UL tested.
- Fast-drying
FI Markings: 2008/1272/CLP
Warning word: Danger
Hazard statements:
H332 Harmful by inhalation.
H335 May cause respiratory irritation.
H336 May cause drowsiness and dizziness.
H373 May damage the central nervous system through prolonged or repeated exposure.
Safety phrases:
P101 If medical attention is needed, show container or warning label.
P102 Keep out of reach of children.
P260 Do not breathe vapour.
P271 Use only outdoors or in well-ventilated areas.
P312 Contact a POISON CENTER/doctor if you feel sick.
P403+P233 Store in a place with good ventilation. Keep tightly closed.
P405 Store in a locked place.
P501 Dispose of contents/packaging at official chemical waste collection points.
SV Marking information: 2008/1272/CLP
Signalord: fara
H332 Skadligt vid inandning.
H335 Can cause irritation i luftvägarna.
H336 Kan göra att man blir dåsig eller omtöcknad.
H373 Can cause organskador genom Lång eller ekkestad exposure
P101 Have packaging or labels until hands om du must seek medical attention.
P102 Förvaras oåtkomligt för barn.
P260 Inandas inte damm/rök/gaser/dimma/ångor/prej.
P271 Use outdoors or in a poorly ventilated area.
P312 Vid obehah, kontakta GIFTINFORMATIONSCENTRAL/läkare
P403+P233 Förvaras på väl ventilarad plats. Förpackningen ska förvaras väl tillsluten.
P405 Forvaras inlåst.
P501 Contents/container left till...