The hand-laid Väinö fishing net is an affordable and high-quality fishing net that uses the traditional method of tying. The Väinö double-length fishing net works perfectly for winter net fishing, but also in summer. All Väinö products are excellent value for money. Väinö double-length fishing nets have been popular with professional fishermen, especially in Northern Finland. The netting is done by hand. The net is staked on a cork pole and the net has sturdy end posts. There is a Väinö inspection mark on the net, which makes it easy to check the size of the net. The weight of the bottom bar is made of lead and the weight of the entire bottom bar is correctly measured for each height. The Väinö fishing net cloth is soft and durable. The average length of the network is 60m. Try Väinö fishing net and you will be surprised!
Height, m:
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Only available in the online store, not available in classic stores