The Yato Adjustable Rectangle with dimensions 160 x 300 mm is made of high quality stainless steel. This tool combines precision and versatility to offer professionals and amateurs a reliable tool for measuring and marking work.
The rectangle is engraved with a millimetre scale on both edges and on both sides of the rectangle, allowing accurate measurement in any position. Its 160 mm long foot is made of aluminium and is attached to the ruler arm so that it can be accurately locked at 90, 45 or 180 degree angles. A strong step joint ensures locking without movement. Applications The Yato Adjustable Rectangle is the ideal tool for measuring and marking work in the workshop. It is ideally suited for:
For accurate angle measurements and marking in carpentry at standard angles. For measuring and setting angles in metalwork. For accurate execution of drawings and plans.
Material: stainless steel Dimensions: 160 mm (foot) x 300 mm (ruler) Scale: millimetre on both edges and on both sides Angles: 90, 45 and 180 degrees Foot: Aluminium
Instructions for use Hold the rectangle by the locking strap and press gently while moving the angle ruler arm to the desired position. Check that the joint is firmly locked before taking measurements.
Vendor material number:
Only available in the online store, not available in classic stores