The Nation is in disarray and a war is waging between the classes. The working class faces a dismantled welfare system, the capitalists are losing their hard-earned profits, the middle class is gradually fading and the state is sinking into a deep deficit. Amidst all this chaos, the only person who can provide guidance is... you. Will you take the side of the working class and fight for social reforms? Or will you stand with the corporations and the free market? Will you help the government try to keep it all together, or will you try to enforce your agenda no matter the cost to the country?
• Englanninkielinen • Pelaajia: 2-4 • Ikäsuositus 14+ vuotta
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Huom! Tuotteiden myymäläsaldot vaihtelevat nopeasti, eikä myymäläkohtaista saatavuutta voida täysin taata. Viimeinen kappale voi olla myös "malli".