Ravintolisää ei saa käyttää monipuolisen ruokavalion korvikkeena. Säilytys: Säilytä purkki suljettuna viileässä, kuivassa paikassa. Säilytettävä pienten lasten ulottumattomissa. Käytä kolmen kuukauden kuluessa avaamisesta. Annostus: Suositeltava vuorokausiannos on 1 poretabletti. Ilmoitettua suositeltua vuorokausiannosta ei saa ylittää. Parasta ennen: Katso leima.
C-vitaminbrustablett kosttillskott. Innehåller sötningsmedel
Ingredienser: Surhetsreglerande medel (natriumbikarbonat, citronsyra), L-askorbinsyra (25 %), bindemedel (sorbitol, polyetylenglykol), smakämnen, rödbetspulverkoncentrat, färgämnen (karotenoider) och sötningsmedel (sukralos). Produkten kan innehålla mjölk, soja och glutenhaltiga spannmål.
Den dagliga dosen (1 brustablett) innehåller: Vitamin C 1000 mg (1250 %*) *Referensintag av en genomsnittlig vuxen (8400 kJ / 2000 kcal)
Kosttillskott bör inte användas som ett alternativ till en varierad kost. Förvaring: Förvara burken stängt på sval, torr plats. Förvaras oåtkomligt för barn. Använd inom tre månader efter öppnandet. Dosering: Rekommenderad daglig dos är 1 brustablett. Dosering enligt anvisningen får inte överskridas. Bäst före: Se stämpel.
Vitamin C Sport Effervescentcontains a powerful dose of vitamin C (1000 mg), which comprehensively conditions the health and immunity (especially remember it in the autumn and winter season and during the spring solstice) as well as the energy disposition of the body, and is an important element of the antiradical disc. We should never forget this vitamin when we are exposed to an attack by free radicals, the source of which may be: physical exertion (therefore remember Vitamin C Sport right after training), exhaust gas, tobacco smoke, and medications. In addition, this important vitamin is involved in detoxification, promotes the absorption of iron, is indispensable in the synthesis of carnitine, and participates in the synthesis of collagen.Who do we especially recommend this product for?Those looking for support for their immunity, especially those avoiding supplements in tablet form.
Ingredients: Acidity regulator (sodium bicarbonate, citric acid), L-ascorbic acid (25%), binders (sorbitol, polyethylene glycol), flavors, beetroot powder concentrate, coloring (carotenoids) and sweetener (sucralose). The product may contain milk, soy and gluten-containing grains.
The daily dose (1 effervescent tablet) contains: Vitamin C 1000 mg (1250%*) *Reference value for the average adult user's intake (8400 kJ / 2000 kcal)
The nutritional supplement must not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. Storage: Keep the jar closed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of the reach of small children. Use within three months of opening. Dosage: The recommended daily dose is 1 effervescent tablet. The declared recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Best before: See the stamp.
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